Au revoir Dunkirk


Today's crew, full of excitement, were ready for Lucy Lavers' return voyage by 7.00am.  Left to right: Patrick Bottom, Henry Faire, Liz Hankin, James Everson-Crane and Ash Faire-Ring, with Tim Lidstone-Scott behind the camera.  Trevor Holsey is the skipper.   

Lucy Lavers leaves her berth by 08.00am to start her journey home.  She looks small compared to that vast vessel berthed on the other side of the quay. 

They head for the sea lock -

and are soon in it. 

Once they are out of the lock, Henry throws a commemoration rose into the sea in memory of one Uncle Johnny, who died on the beaches of Dunkirk, aged 19. 

Wind force today is 4 and many other 'Little Ships', uncomfortable with the state of the sea, have turned back.  Lucy Lavers keeps going though. 

A fishing net gets caught around the propellor - the trusty hedge slasher comes into its own. 

Each crew member takes their turn at the wheel, experiencing the adventure of helming Lucy Lavers.  Liz Hankin takes the helm towards the first change of course at Ruytingen West. 


She hands the helm to Patrick Bottom just after passing Sandettie Light Vessel buoy. 

James Everson-Crane takes his turn past Goodwin Sands - and then Ash Faire-Ring helms on the homeward stretch.  

Lucy Lavers' eta into Ramsgate harbour is 16:40pm.   


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and check our map to see where she is on her journey - follow Lucy Lavers' journey back to Dunkirk