Lucy Lavers bound for Ramsgate


Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

Sunny morning + Force 3 breeze = great conditions for Lucy Lavers to set off down to Ramsgate. 

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

The skipper for this, Leg 4, is Jon Butler, who briefed the crew before Lucy Lavers left Harwich around 08.30 this morning.

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

Lucy Lavers is soon approaching Arthur Ransome territory, Walton-on-the-Naze.  Josh Danziger employs the hand-held compass while Tim Allen helms.

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

At Ramsgate Lucy Lavers will be joining over 60 other 'Dunkirk Little Ships' and the excitement on board is palpable.

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

Jon checks the course on his charts.  Lucy Lavers has to head east to circumnavigate offshore wind farms, including 'London Array'.

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

Josh gazes upon the wind farms -

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

 - while Tim takes the helm. 

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

Now Josh takes the helm for a spell.  Check out Tim in his jumper and jeans - it must be balmy on board. 

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

Skipper Jon is keeping a weather eye out through binoculars while Josh helms.

Photograph by Wendy Pritchard

Crew member Richard takes it easy in the bow, with Kent visible behind him. 

As they approach Ramsgate, Wendy Pritchard takes the helm!  The weather has become very rough. 

All being well, Lucy Lavers' eta in Ramsgate is 18.00